CENSORSHIP The first amendment guarantees a right to freedom of speech, but how far does that the right of freedom of speech reach? Is there a limit to what you are allowed to say without being penali

CENSORSHIP The first amendment guarantees a right to freedom of speech, but how far does that the right of freedom of speech reach? Is there a limit to what you are allowed to say without being penali

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The first amendment guarantees a right to freedom of speech, but how far does that the right of freedom of speech reach? Is there a limit to what you are allowed to say without being penalized under the court of law? Can the government suppress your right of speech if it violates civil standards? These are some of the many questions in will be discussing through this paper with you. According to the first amendment of the us constitution, one of the basic principles our country is based on is freedom of speech. Solely because of this as ages has passed in a still young country. The first amendment has greater use then previously stated its intentions to be. What speech is such thus uses to reach this