A HUMBLE MAN A Humble Man Over many years a number of people have influenced the world through their peaceful and humble movements. Each one has inspired another to spread their word in a similar way.
A HUMBLE MAN A Humble Man Over many years a number of people have influenced the world through their peaceful and humble movements. Each one has inspired another to spread their word in a similar way.
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A Humble Man Over many years a number of people have influenced the world through their peaceful and humble movements. Each one has inspired another to spread their word in a similar way. Saint Francis is known for his humbleness and the way he was able to expand the church. Saint Francis was able to take a church that was collapsing and bring it back to life. He showed that wealth didn’t mean anything, and there were more important things in life. Things like beliefs, and that even those in poverty could have a wonderful life. He lead by example rather than just preaching. He would later be named the patron saint of animals and influence the church’s current pope in a way that will most likely change the Catholic Church forever. First and foremost, Saint Francis made a major contribution into reforming the church through his “humble movement.” He made the Catholic Church look at the way it was teaching the religion. He was able to find what was wrong, go in, and fix the problems. The problem