Glossary of Medical Terms and Definitions 5332 Words Adhesions- adhesions are bands of tissue that form between the abdominal organs. Normally, the surface of abdominal organs is smooth and glisten😎

Glossary of Medical Terms and Definitions 5332 Words Adhesions- adhesions are bands of tissue that form between the abdominal organs. Normally, the surface of abdominal organs is smooth and glisten😎


(ADI) (LAN) (MET). (WAN) 1 2 3.5 3.5. 5332 6 A Adhesions Adhesions- Aerobic After Air All Allergens Also Amazon. An Anatomically, Animal Antibiotics Appraisal Artificial As At B Balance Baroreceptor Baroreceptors Based Bile Bilirubin Biologic Both Broadly Broadly, By C Complications Computer Coping D Damage Database Database- Databases Definitions Diaphragm Diaphragm. Dietary Disolvable Does Due During Dyspnea E Each Eating Electronic Endocrine Examples Exercise F FDA Factors Fat Fat- Fats Femoral Finally First For Four G GLP-1 Gland Glossary However, Human I If In Incarcerated Increase Inflammation Information Inhalers Internal Intestinal Intraoperatively, Iris It Like M MET Machine Many Medical Medications Mental Metabolic Mindful Most Nature Normally, O Obesity Of Once One Operation Options Other Overall, Physical Plant R RY Radiation Recent Recently, Regular Reversal Revisional Risk S Salivary Scar Scars Serious Several Sheath Shunt Shunts Simply Sinus Some Sometimes Stapler Staplers Strangulated Structurally, Such Sugar Surgery Surgical Sweat Symptoms Synthetic Terms The Theories There These They Think This Though Through Thus Thus, To Trans Treatment Unsaturated Usually Virtually, Was Weight When While Winslow Words YY Yoga a abdomen, abdomen. abdominal abilities abilities. ability able about above absent. absorbed. absorption acceptable accepting access accessibility accessible accidental accompanied according achieved acids acids, acne. act action active actively activities activities. activity acts added additives adhere adhesion adhesions adhesions. adipose adrenals, adults. advancement advantages adverse affecting after again aid aided ailing aim aimed aims alcohols, alerts all allergy, allowed. allowing allows already also alternative among amount amyotrophic an analysis analysis, analyze anastomosed. anatomy and anesthetist, angina, animal anis, antihistamines anxiety anxiety, anxiety. any anyone aorta appendicitis applications applied applies approach approach, approved are area areas areas. arise around arranged arrest arteries artery artificial as assist assisting associated assumptions. asthma, asymptomatic at atoms atoms. atrophic attain attention authorities available available, avoid awareness awareness- away back balance bands bariatric baroreceptor baroreceptors based be beans because become become. becomes becoming been before begins behavior behavior. behaviors being benefits benefits. best better between bile bilirubin. billiary biologic birthed bladder bloating blocked blood body body, body. body’s bond brain brain. breath breathing build building builds bulk burn burns. but by bypass bypass. bypassing cables called calorie calories camera can capture capturing carbohydrates carbon care caries. carotid carry case, case. casing categorized catheter catheter, catheter. cause causes causes. cavities cavities. cavity cavity, cavity. cells central cerebrospinal certain cervix challenges challenging change change. changed changes changes. changing chart check chemistry, cholesterol, chronic circulatory cleaned clear clinical clinician clinicians close closing closure, clots collagen collagen, collected collection color come common communication compared complete complete. completely complex complication complications component components composed compounds comprehensive compromised. computer computers computers. computing concern concerned concurrent condition conditions conditions. confused congestion, congestive connected connections. connects conscious considered constipation constituent’s consultation consumed consumption consumption. contact contain containing contains contaminated contents contents. continues continuous contracting contracture contribute control control. controls conversation converted cooling cope cope. coping correcting cost could covers cramping, create created criteria, cross crucial cut daily damaged data data. database databases days dead deal death decongestants decrease decreased dedicating defect deficiency defined degradation degradation. degree deliberate deliver delivery dental department. departmental departments dependent depending depends derived dermis. describe designed details. detects determinants. determine determined developing development device diabetes diabetes. diabetic diagnose diagnose, diagnosis diagnosis. diagnostics diaphragm diaphragm, diaphragm. diaphragmatic diet diet. dietary dieting dieting, differ difference different differently difficult difficulties. digestion digestion, digital directly disc discomfort discussion disease disease(s) disease, disease. diseases diseases. disorders. dissolve distention, distention. divided dividing division do does done done, done. don’t double downfalls drain drained drug duct- duct. ducts due duplicate during dysfunction dyspnea dyspnea. each early ease ease. easier easier. easily easy eating eating. effect effectively efficiency efficiently effort either ejaculation. elective electronic electronically. eliminating elsewhere emergence emergency emergency. emerging emotion emotional emotional. employs enable enables end ending endings endocrine endocrinologist. endothelial ends endurance endurance, energy enhances enjoyment enlarged ensure ensures entails envelope environment environment. equips equivalent erosion especially essential establish evaluate even events events, evidence examinations example example, example. examples examples. excess excess. execution exercise exercise, exercise. exercise? exercises exist exist. existing exists exocrine expand expand. expansion expected. expenditure experience experiences explain exposed exposure extensively external externally extra eyes facilitates facing factors fade fail. fails, failure, falling, faster fat fat. fatal. fatigue fats fats. fatty feel, feelings femoral fever fever. few fibroblasts field field, fields. filing fills filter find firing firings. first fistulas, fistulas. five fixed flatus. flexibility flexibility. flow fluid focused follow food food. foods foods. for foramen forehead foreign form form. formation formation. found found. four frequently friendly from from. fulfill fullness. full’s functions. fusion, gage gained gall games, gastric gastroesopageal gastrointestinal gauze gear geared generalized generalizing gets getting given given. giving gland. glands glands. glide glistening. glucose glycerol. go gonads. good gradual greater greatly green group groups grow grow. growth guided guidelines. guilt gut gut. hack had hair. handling handwriting. happen happened. has have hay headache, healed healed. healing healing. health health, healthcare healthcare. healthier healthier. healthy heart heart, help helping helps hemoglobin hence hepatic her hernia hernia, hernia- hernia. hernias hernias, hernias. herniation herself hiatal high higher highest himself his history holding hollow homes hormone hormones hospital hospitals, hours. how however however, human humans hunger hurdle hydrogenation hypertrophic hypothalamus, hypothesized ice idea identification identified if illegible image image. imaging immediate immediately immense. impact impaired impaired. impairment implanted important important. improve improves in inability incarcerated incarcerated. incidence incision, include including incontinence. incorporation increases indicates indirect indispensible individual individuals individuals. individual’s induces indulgence infection infections infections, infertility. inflame inflammation inflammations information information, information. inguinal injury injury. inserted, inside installed instance instruments instruments. insulation, insulin. intake integrity intelligence intensity intent interconnected internal internally. interpersonal interspersed intervention intestinal intestine intestines. into into. intrinsic introduction invasion, invasive. involuntary, involve involved involving irreducible irreducible, irreducible. is ischemic. isotopes issue. issues issues. it its itself just keloid key kilogram kind kinds know known knows laboratory lack language larger last later, later. lateral layman learn learning least leave lense less level life life. lifting light like likelihood likely limb limit limits linked liquid liver liver. local located lose loses losing loss lost lower lowers lowest made main mainstay maintaining maintains major make make. makes making maladaptive male malnutrition. man management management. mandates. manifestations manually manually. many mark marking marks mass massive master match material. materials may meals. measurement measures meats mechanism mechanisms. medical medication medicine medicine, members mental mental. mentioned mesentry mesh mesh- mesh. meshes mesocolon metabolic metabolism. microscope. might mild milk mind mindful minimal minimally, mls modality moderately modern mood more more. most motion mouth. much mucous. multidisciplinary muscle muscular myelin narrow nasal natural nature. nausea necessary. neck neck, neck. need needed needed. needs nerve network network- networking networks new no normal not note notes. novel number numerous nurse nuts, o obese obesity obesity. object objects objet obstructed obstruction obstruction; obstructive obvious occur. occurring. occurs of off off, offer offers office office. often often, older on one ones online only onset onset. operation operations optimal option options options. or order order. organ organic organization organs organs, organs. origin oscillating other others. otherwise out out. outcome outside over overall own oxygen pain pain, pain. painful pairs pancreas paper parathyroids, paresthesia part partake partial participate partner parts. pass passages past pathology. patient patient. patients patients, patient’s pattern patterns. pelvic pelvis penis people peptide per perceive, perforation perform performed performs perineal period peristalsis peritoneum, peritonitis. person person. personal person’s pertains phospholipids physical physical, physician physician’s pick piece(s) piling pineal, pitted pituitary, placed places plant play popular popularity porcine portion pose possible post post-surgery potential pouch practical practice practice. practices. predict pregnancy pregnant. presence present presents pressing pressure prevent previous primarily primary prior problem problem. problems problems. procedure procedure, procedure. procedures process processed processes processes. processing produce product production products products. professional program programmable programme programmed. programmer programmes progress prohibited proliferation promising promote prompt proper properly proportional protect protected protected. protects protein protrusion provide provider. provides pulmonary pulmonology purchased purpose pushed put put, putting puzzles, quality quite quizzes, radio radiology raise raises rapid rapid? rate rather rays re react reaction reactions rearranging rebuilding receiving recent recently receptors receptors. record- record. records records. recovery recurrence. red red. reduce reducible reducing reference referred referring refers reflex regular related relax relaxation relaxing release relief relieve relieved remain remaining reminder remission removal removal. remove removing repair repair. repaired repertoire require required requirement requirement. requiring research reservoir resides residual respiration respond response rest rest. restrains restrictions result resulting results results, retracts retrieval. retrieve returns reversal revision revisional right rises risk role room root rubber run sac, sac. saccharine safely. safety said salivary same satisfaction saturated scaffold scar scar, scars scenarios, scheduled sclerosis, screenings. scrub second secondary secrete secretion security see select self-treatment send sends sense sensory separates serious serves set setting several severe sexually shame. shapes, shared sheath sheath. sheaths sheet shift shortness should show shown shrinks shunt shunt, shunt. sigmoid signaling signals signs similar simple simply sinus sinus. sinuses sinuses, sinusitis. site sitting size. sizes skin skin, skull. sleep sleep. slide small smooth so software softwares solid soluble solve solvents. some something sourced soya space spaces special specialist specialized sperm spinal standard stapler staplers staples start state stay sterile steroid stevia, stick still stimulates stimulating stomach. stones. stool storage storage. stored strands strangulated strangulated. strangulation strategies- strength strength, strengthen stress. stressor, stressor. stressors stressors. strict strong stronger structure structures studying substance substance. substances substances. substitutes successful such sucralose. sudden sugar sunflower, supply supply. supports surface surgeon surgeon, surgeon. surgeon’s surgeries surgery surgery. surgical surgical. surgically surrounds survival swallows sweat sweetener sweeteners sweeteners, sweeteners- sweeteners. sweetness swelling symptom symptom? symptomatic symptoms symptoms. syndrome synonymously. synthesis synthesized synthetic synthetic. system system. systems t tables. taken tallying task task. tasks teach team team. technique techniques techniques. technological technology technology. temperature. temporary tendon tends tension term terms tests than that the their them them. themselves then therapy there thereby therefore these these, these. they thin thing. this this, this. thoracic those thoughts, threat threatening three. through thus thymus, thyroid, time time. times. timing tissue tissue. to to. together together. tolerate too tool tool. tools tools. tooth topic. towards tract trained tranmesentric transferred transit translates transmitted transport transported trapped trauma. treat treated treatment treatment. treats tree tree. trend trials, trigger trouble tubes tubular tumor two type type, types types. typical ulcers, unauthorized underarms, undergone understand understanding unhealthy unhealthy. unit unsaturated, untreated up up, up. update updates upon upper urinary use used used. useful user using usually vaccinations validate value. values valve varies variety. various ventricular ventriculo-peritoneal version vessel via visceral visible visualized vitamins vomiting vomiting, vomiting. wall wall. walls want wants was watery way weakening weakness weakness, wears weeks. weight weight. weightloss, well. were what whatever when where which while whish who whole whose wide will wireless with within without woman words works world worms worsens would wound wounds. years years. your – –A “normal” “sinus

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Adhesions- adhesions are bands of tissue that form between the abdominal organs. Normally, the surface of abdominal organs is smooth and glistening. This enables the abdominal organs to slide or glide over each other with ease. Adhesions cause the abdominal organs to stick together. Most often, the adhesions are asymptomatic and cause no trouble to a person. The most