Customary Law - 7472 WordsCustomary law is among other laws the most controversial and as a resultraises a lot of questions among legal luminaries. There are whole lots ofreasons responsible for thes
Customary Law - 7472 WordsCustomary law is among other laws the most controversial and as a resultraises a lot of questions among legal luminaries. There are whole lots ofreasons responsible for thes
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Kabiyesi, Kallio—the LAND LAW LAWS LIMITATIONS Land Lands Largely Law Legal Less Let Lewis Local Long MAKERS MARRIAGE Malagasy Manipulation Marriage Marriage. Maybe, Meribe Ministries Ministry Mojekwu Mojekwu-- More Moriamo Most Mother, Mukoro Muslims, NIGERIA? Narebor Nash Native Nezianya Nigeria Nigeria, Nigeria. Nigerian Nigerians Nigeria’s Niki Norm Norms Not Notice. O. OF ON Oba, Obligatory Offor, Okagbue, Okagbu—the On Once Onitsha, Ordinance Osborn Osborne Others: Others’ Our Oyovbaire Pareto Path Persons Plantatur Policy Polygyny: Problems Proof Public Punishing Quid Qur’an. RECOMMENDATIONS Random Rational Reasonable. Regimes Religion Report) Repugnancy Right Rules, SYSTEM Sadiku Said School Section She Since Social Sociology, Solo Son’s Sororate: Suberu Succession Such Sule Sunmonu Supreme TEST THE Tanzania, Test: Text That The There Therefore, These They This Through Thus, To Tobi, Touching Traps Ukeje Ukeje—the Under Understanding Universities Unlike Usually, Uterine V. VI. VII. VIII. WHAT We When Whenever Where While Wife Words Writers: X. YORUBA Yet Yoruba Yoruba, Zumunta, a a) a. ability able about above above. absence absolute abstention accept acceptable acceptable. acceptance acceptance, accepted accommodate accordance accorded according account accounting achievement acquainted acquiescence—in acquiescence—or acquired across act action action, active activism. add addition addition, address addressed adhered adjudication adjudication, administered adopt adopted adoption advanced advancement advantage advantages adverse advise advocated affairs. affect affected affects afflict affront after again against agency agent’s aggregate ago agree agreed agrees all all. allocative allowed allows all… alone, along already also alternative alternatives alternatives. although amiable among amongst amount amounts an analogized analogy analysis analysis, analysis—relatively analyzed. analyzing ancient and and, annals anomaly another another, another. anthropomorphic antithetic any anyone anything appear appear, applicable application applied applies apply appointed appraisals approach, appropriate are are, area area, area. areas argues argument arguments arise arm armed arose around arrangement array art as ashes asking aspects assail assent assert asserted asserters assessment assessors assist association association, association. at attached attained attempt attempting attend. attracts attribute attributes authorities authority. authority—the authors; autonomy available, awareness away b) b. baby bad bandwagon barbarous based basis be be, be. be: bears because because, become becomes becoming been before beginning behaviour behaviour. behind being being. beings belief belief, beliefs beliefs, believe belong belongs below: beneath beneficial benefit benefit. benefits benefits. benefitting between be’s biased big bind binding birth bless blessing. body books, born born, borrowed both bound bride bring bringing brings broader brother brother, brother’s brought building builds built burden but by by-laws bye-laws c) c. call called calls can cannot capita capita, carried carrying cascade case case. cases categories category cattle, cause, causes central centralized century ceremony, ceremony. certain challenges change changing chaos character, characteristics, characteristics: characterized charge charged chattel chattel, chiefs child child. children children, children. child” choice choices choices. chooses circumstances cited civil claim claim, claim. claimed claiming clan class classification clear clearly close closeness co-existence co-operating cocoyam codification, coherent collective collectivity. come common communities communities, community community, community. comparative comparatively comparison compatible compensate competing competition, competitive complete completed, complex compliance complicated complying component. concerned concerning conclusion conclusion, conclusions concubine concurred—actively concurrence—to condemned conditions conditions. conduct conduct. conduct; confirm conflict conflicts confronting conjunction connections: conscience. conscience.” consensus consent consent, consequent consequential consequently consider consideration considerations considerations. considered considered, considering considers consists consortium constitution constitution, constitution. constitution: constrained constrains constraints content content) context context, continues continuously contracts, contrary contrast, contributes controversial conventions conventions, conventions. cooperate cooperation cooperative correct corrected corrects correlative cost costly. costs costs. could councilors countries country”. couple coupled couples. course court court. courts. courtship, cousin cousin. created creates creation creation, credible critical cruxes cultural culture current custom custom) custom, custom. custom; customarily customary customs customs, customs. custom”. d. date daughter daughter, daughters daughters, days. days; dead deal death deceased deceased, decentralized decentralizes decided decision decision-makers decision-makers. decisions defend defendant defendant’s defined definite definition definitions degenerated delegated deliver delivered delving demand democracy, democracy. denied department depend dependence dependence, depending derive descendants, descends design desirability desired destabilize detected determine deterrent develop develop, developed developed. development development, develops did didn’t dies different difficult difficulty diffuse dignity direct directly directly. disagrees disallows discouraging discriminate discrimination. discriminatory discussing display disposition disputes, distinct distinction distribution diverge diverges diverse diversion diversity divine divorcing do does domestic done done, double doubt dowry draw dresses, drinks drinks, drive driven due duly during duties, dynamic dynamic, e. e.g. each easier easily eastern eat. economic economic, economics effect effectively effects efficiency efficient efficient, egalitarian either elder elders eldest element else embarked embedded embodies emerge emerged emerged, emergence emerging employ enacted enactment enactments enforce enforceable enforced enforcement enforcement, enforcement. enforcing engineered enjoying ensure enter entered entire entitled entity environment environmental equally equals equilibria equilibria) equilibria. equilibrium equity erudite especially establish established estate estate, estate. etc. ethic ethic, even events ever every evidence evidence. evolution evolution. evolution; evolutionary evolutionism, evolutiontoward-efficiency evolve evolved evolving examined example, examples excessive exclucive exclusion executive exhaust exist exist, existence existing exists exists. exogenous expectations expected expected. expensive expertise experts explain explained explaining explains explanation explanation. expresses extend extent externalities, extinction. f. fabrics, face faced. facelift, fact fact, factors failed. failing failure failures. faith. familiar family family, family. family; family”. far father father. father’s favour features. federal female female, feminine few fight filed finds firmly first first, first-mover first-movers fishing fittest” fixed flow fluid follow follow. followed followers, following follows: food foods foolish for forbids force forced foregoing, form formal formation formation. formative former former’s fortified foster found foundation foundations founded fragility framework framework. free freedom freely friend friendly from full fully function fundamental further future g. gain. gained game-theoretic gathering gave gender general generally generate generated generated, generates get gift gigantic give given gives giving global global, glory goals goes going-such gold gone good goods. governance governed government government, government. government.” governments grasp groom ground grounded group group, group. grouping groups groups. grow grows guarantee h. habits had half half-brother half-sister haphazardly. happens harm harmonize has has, have having he he, head heading heard, heavily heir, heirs held help hence her here herself heterogeneous higher him him, himself his historical history, hold holding holding: home. homogenous honour hospitality house how however however, howsoever human hundred husband husband, husband. husband’s husband”. hypotheses i. i.e i.e. idea ideas identify idiosyncratic if igi igi” ignorance illustrated immediate immemorial immovable imperfect imperfect, implicit implied) implies important imposing imposition in incentive incentives include include: includes including incompatible incomplete, inconsistencies inconsistent increased increasingly indeed independent indigenous individual individuals induce inductive indulging inefficient inferior influenced information information, information. inhabitants inherit inherit, inherit. inheritance inheritance, inheritance. inherited inheriting inherits initial initialization initiative initiative, injurious injury, inordinate input inquiring instances, institution. institutional institutions, insufficiencies insufficient integration intellectual intention intention. interactions interchangeably interest interest, interest. interested interesting interests interface intergroup intermediaries: intermediary internalization interpretation intestate intestate. into intrinsic introduced invitation: invites involve involved irrelevant, irrespective is is, is: issue it it, it. item items its itself j. jewelry, job join jori”) judgment: judicial judicially judiciary jurisdictions just justice justice, justice… k. kidnap kind knowledge knowledge. known kola lack laid land land(s) land, land. large large. larger late latter law law, law-making law. law: lawmaking laws laws) laws, laws. laws: lawyers law” lays lead leaders leadership. leads learned least leave lecturer. left legal legislate legislation legislation, legislation. legislative legislature legitimacy lending” level level, level. levels levirate: liberty lies life life. light like likely limitations limited line lineage list literature literature, literature—should litigation, lives livestock. living living. local local, logic logically long look loss lot lots love luminaries. machine made main maintain major majority majorly make make. makers. makes making making. male man man. manipulated manipulation manuscripts many marginal marked market marriage marriage, married marry marrying. material mathematically matter matter, matter. matters maximization maximization. may me means mechanism mechanisms meet member members members. messages metarules method might milder military mirror mischievous mistaken models modern money, monogamous monopoly moral morality more more. most most. mostly movable much must mutual my myself native natural nature nature, navigable necessarily necessary necessary) necessitates necessity. needs negative net never new newly next nine no nobody nomad non-compliance non-cooperative noncooperative norm norm. normative norms norms, norms. northern not note noted nothing noticed noticed. notion notwithstanding, now number nut nut, nutshell object obligatory obligatory. obnoxious observance observe observed observed. observing obstruct obtained obtains obvious obviously occasion occult occupy of offends official often oju olden older oldest on once one one, one--for one-eight one-eighth one-fourth one-half one-sixth one-third one. only open operate opinion opportunistic opportunity opposing opposition oppressive optimization. optimum, or organic organs origin. original originating originators ori” other other, other-- others others. other’s ought our out outdated, outline outlined outside outweigh over oversee own own, owned owner; owns pagan parade paradigms parallels parent parents parents. part part, participate particles particular particularly parties parties. partition partly parts pass passed paternity path path. paths paths, patrilineal. pay peaceably peer penalty penalty. people people. people’s per perceive perceived perception period permit persist persistent persists person person. personal persons pervasive place place. plaintiff plaintiff, plausible player players. plays plural point pointed points policy policy, policy. political politically polygamist polygamy popular portion poses possess possesses possession possession, possible possible. potent potential powers practically practice practice. practiced practices practices, practices. praise prayer precepts precise precisely predecessors. predicated preference. preferences preferences, preferences. prepare present presented preservation preserving presidential pressure prevalent previous primary primogeniture. primogeniture; principal-agent principle principle. principles private private, problem problem. problematic problems problems. proceed proceeds process process, process. processed. processes processes. procreation, products profession professional—Osborn proffer programmes project. prolong prominent promiscuity, proof proper properly properly, properties, property property, property. proposition protection protects prove proved proven provide provided provides provisions proxy public punishers punishment. purely purpose pursued qua qualify quarter question question. questions quote raided raises raising random randomness ranked rather rational rationally re-stabilizes readily real realities reason reasoning reasons reciprocity reclaim recognition recognize recognized recognizes recognizing recommendations reconcile reconstruct recorded reduction reference reform refusal refuses refuted regard regard, regarded regarding regardless regions regulating regulatory reject rejected rejected. related relating relation relations. relationship relative relatively relative” relevance; relevant relies rely remain remove representative repugnancy repugnancy, repugnant repugnant… require required requirements research researcher resemblance resent resort respect, respected respects response responsible rest rests result resulting results results. return returned returns, reveal revealed revisited revisiting right rights rise risk risks ritual river robbery role rolling room room. rooted rule rule, rule. rulers rulers. rules rules, rules. rules; running safety said sail sake salt same sanction. sanctioned save say scholar scholastic scientific scope search second second, section see seems seen segment. selection selection. self-generate self-interested seminar/workshop sense sense, sensibility serious seriously serve served setting setting, settled settled. several sewing sex sex. shall share shared shares: sharing she shed shocks shop should show shown shows side signal signal. signals significant similar simple simply since single singular sister sister, sister. situation situations skies slaves so social social, socially societies society society, society. socio-biologists, socio-economic socio-economic, solid some someone something sometimes son son, son. sons sons, sought source sources sources. space space. speaking speaking, special specialized specified sphere spontaneous spontaneously spouse’s stabilize stable stages stages: stall stalls standards, stands start starts state state. stated stated, stated: states static), statutory step. still stipe stipes) strange stranger strategic strategies strategies, strengthened. strictly strong structural structure structured. studied study sub-section subject subjective subjects, suboptimal suboptimal. subsection substantial succeed successfully succession such suffer suffered sufficiently suggest suggests suit suit, sum, summary superior support supported supporting supreme sure surprise surprisingly surrounding survival surviving sway symbol system systematic systems taboo tailoring take takes taking task tautological tend tendency tenets tension tentacles test test. testate tests test” than thanks that that, that: the their them them. themselves themselves. then theorem theories theory theory) there therefore therefore, these they thin thing. things third third-party this those threat through thus time time, time. times to to-be to-be. to-be’s to11 tobe. today. together took touching toward tradition tradition. traditional traditionally trained training transaction transferred. transform transforms transition treated tried truth… turn two two-third type types typically unconstitutional under underlie underlies underlying understanding undertake undertaken undesirable undesirable, undeveloped undoubtedly unduly unification union unique unity universal unless unmarried unrecorded until unvarying unveil unwritten up upon upon-time. upon. urgently us usage usage. use used using usually utensils, validity. value values varies various vary varying vast very vests victim victims view view, violators vis-a-vis visit visit, vital voluntarily voluntary voters, vs. vulnerability was watches, wave way way, ways ways, we weakness weigh weighing weight weighted welfare, welfaremaximizing well well-being well-identified well-known went were what whatever when where where, whereby wherein whether which while who whole whole. wholly whom why wide widely widespread widow, widows widow’s wife wife. wife’s will willing wine, wish wish. with within without witnesses wives wives, wives. woman women women, words words, work workable working working. world would would-be written wrong wrongs wrongs. x-rayed x-rayed. yams years yet younger – “Customary “Diokpa”. “Idegbe” “It “Okpala” “Personal “Under “all “idegbe” “idi “illegitimate “incompatibility “investigate” “matchmaking” “nrachi” “ori “scientific “survival “the “wife …
Customary law is among other laws the most controversial and as a result
raises a lot of questions among legal luminaries. There are whole lots of
reasons responsible for these and this research shall take time to address as
many of these causes or reasons as possible. To add salt to injury, the few
authorities of customary law that still hold sway customary sources (in
explaining the inconsistencies of the law of custom) agrees that “all laws are
custom but not all custom is