American Culture 1470 Words AmericanizationCulture influences different aspects of an individual’s identity. In itspurposefulness, it creates a feeling of belonging and a shared lifestyle amongpeople

American Culture 1470 Words AmericanizationCulture influences different aspects of an individual’s identity. In itspurposefulness, it creates a feeling of belonging and a shared lifestyle amongpeople


(MTV) 1470 15 18 2007. 21 27, 7 A Aires, All America America, American Americanization Americans America’s Another Anti-Americanism Asian Benazir Bertlesmann Bhutto Bhutto, Britain Buenos CSI, Children, Coca Cola, Corporations Cribs” Culture December Democracy Democratization East Elites Europe European Europe’s Factor, Fear Fostering From General German Great Harvard Her House, In India India, Indian Influencing Instead Iraq It Its Japan Joseph Kingdom Law& Levi’s, MTV Married McDonald’s Middle Movies Music Not Nye On Order.10 Oxford Pakistan Pakistan, People Promoting RTL, Russia, Russian S. She Soft Star States States, Street.2 Television The Their These This Titanic Tokyo Transnational U.S. United Universities.20 Vee-Jays Videos, Wall Wars While With Words Zia’s a ability abroad. accept active actors adapt adapting adhere advancements adversaries. advertise afford. after against air airs all alliances allow allures almost also alternative among an and announcers.11 another any appealing. are around art art, as aspects assassinated at attempts attract attracts audience authorized barrier based basis be bear because been belief beliefs beliefs, beliefs. believes belonging beneficial beneficial.12 between bonuses both boundaries broadcaster business business, business. but by called can cannot capable capitalism cast celebrity certain challenge change channel cheaper cities, citizens clashing common communities companies company company. compelling complex; compliments confirms conflict.16 conglomerate conscious consequences. conserve constructing consumer consumption. consumption.6 control corporate corporations could countries countries. countries.5 country country. country.19 courageously covered creates cultural culturally culture culture, culture. customs customs, daily defeated. degraded delivers democracy democracy, democracy. denies denounced depicts desire desires desperation dialogue.8 diamonds different display divergent diverse divides division do does doing dominance dominate domination dress, drives earning eat, economic economies.3 education efforts elected election election. elections elite embrace emotions employee encourage encourages ensures entertainment entertainment, entice equal establish established establishing esteem ethic events ever every everyday example examples exertion exists expands expeditiously expose express extends extremist fail fair famous. fashion, fashion. favorable feature feel feeling feels female films find firmly first flaunt focusing for foreign foreigners formed fraud, free freedom freedoms from fully function function, functions gatherings. gaudy gemstones get give gives giving globe. goals gold good governance.13 government governments grander greatly ground groups groups. growth hand hardest has have having hegemony, held her high hip-hop hope hopes houses how however, idea ideal, ideals identity identity. ideologies imitation impacts imperialism imperialism. impose in income.4 incorporated incorporating increasing individual individualism individuals individual’s indulge influence influences insight inspire integrated interference interferes international intervention into intricate intrigued is issues it it. its itself jewelry join keep killed known lack land land, languages. largest lavish law.1 law.17 lead leaders leading leisure, liberal liberalism liberty. lieu life life, life. lifestyle lifestyles lifestyles. like like. limitations limitations. limited live live, located long made maintain majority make males. manage many market mass may media military millions minister mixing mobility modern modernity money, more more. most movies movies, music music, must nation nations news, normal norms not number numerous occurrences. of often on on-air only onto oppose opposition opulent or order order. ordinary organized orientation other others out over own owned parading part parts peace people people, perfect philosophies. pivotal places placing plays political poor popular popularity popularity.9 population portion portray portrays poverty, power power. practiced practices practices, practicing praiseworthy pressures previous prime process produces production products promote promoter promotes promoting protect protest protested provoke public punk-rock purchase, purchasing purposefulness, raises, rally rappers reality realize regime reinforced relate religion, religious relinquish replicate, repression requires resent respect rest reward rewarding rich right rights rise rises role rooted.14 rule scale, schools science, see seem seen serve served set shared she show shown shows since sitcom, sitcoms so. social socially soft some speak speculated spending spread spreading stands staple step stimulate stocks strong styles. succeeded succeeds such suggesting support sure sustaining takes taste teaching technological technology, technology,... television terrorism, that the their them them. themselves there these they this thoroughly though threatened thrives through throughout ties time times to to. tone tool towards translated transnational trigger turn twenty-four-hour underlying uninvited. unique upper using value values values, vehicles veil versions videos videos, viewed viewers viewing views violence violence. vote wage was way week well were what whatever when which while who will willing with without woman women women’s work world world, world. worldviews would yearn “MTV

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Culture influences different aspects of an individual’s identity. In its
purposefulness, it creates a feeling of belonging and a shared lifestyle among
people, while it divides the world into communities of common customs, values,
religion, practices, and law.1 American culture can be seen as more diverse and
complex; however, people manage to find common ground through music, art,
fashion, science, technology, worldviews and democracy. On the grander scale,
Americanization greatly impacts foreign countries and has the power to control
them. It is capable of compelling good influence over other nations and often
times it succeeds in doing so.