Black Death In the 1300’s, The Black Death spread across Europe killing many people and impacted Europe socially, economically and politically. The consequences of this plague had both short-term and
Black Death In the 1300’s, The Black Death spread across Europe killing many people and impacted Europe socially, economically and politically. The consequences of this plague had both short-term and
Black Death
1280 WD
In the 1300’s, The Black Death spread across Europe killing many people and impacted Europe socially, economically and politically. The consequences of this plague had both short-term and long-term effects that impacted upon all of Europe. The main features of the Black Death at the time was the origins and spread of the disease, the symptoms and treatments, the cause of the Black Death and the social, economical and political effects.
Many people in the 1300’s wondered how the disease came to Europe and spread across. The disease spread rapidly going from one person to another and traveling from city to city from trading. Eventually, they realised that it came from elsewhere and banned any shipping from other countries. Source D shows the proposed origins of the plague and the subsequent route of it. This source also shows the hypothetical first and second waves of the plague. This source shows how rapidly the plague spread and how much of Europe was affected. In conclusion, Europe was in a lot of danger because the majority of this country was infected with the Black Death.
As the Plague spread, many doctors and healers discovered the symptoms and attempted to treat the plague. Healers and doctors could not do anything because they did not know why the plague was happening or how it was spreading, many of them did however, realise recurring symptoms of