ALCOHOL ABUSE Alcohol abuse has quickly become one of the most common, yet detrimental issues in modern society. It is harmful to both the abuser, the abuser’s family and friends, and also society as

ALCOHOL ABUSE Alcohol abuse has quickly become one of the most common, yet detrimental issues in modern society. It is harmful to both the abuser, the abuser’s family and friends, and also society as

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Becoming common

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Alcohol abuse has quickly become one of the most common, yet detrimental issues in modern society. It is harmful to both the abuser, the abuser’s family and friends, and also society as a whole. Alcohol abuse is defined as “a psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcoholic beverages despite its negative consequences” (“Alcohol Abuse”). While the definition may seem like a simple one, alcohol abuse is actually the complete opposite. It is a very complex issue with many variables accounting for the causes, effects and consequences, the tell-tale symptoms, and also how to begin to correct the problem.

There are very many reasons that a person may begin to abuse alcohol at some point in life, and with the number of Americans alone that abuse alcohol, these reasons are acceptable, at least to a certain extent. The popular news channel CBS has reported that according to a government study, more than thirty percent of American adults have, at some point, abused alcohol or have fallen victim to alcoholism (Roberts, “30% of Americans Abuse Alcohol…). Why is it that so many people fall prey to what is quite obviously a long, troublesome trap? A road filled with so many public examples that even the most stubborn of people wouldn’t dare trudge along.

Some people abuse alcohol because it is in their genes. Perhaps their parents too often indulged themselves in the pleasures of that buzz that compliments alcohol. Maybe they come from a long line of heavy drinkers and alcoholics. It is also fact that “men are three times more likely to abuse alcohol than women.” Also more likely to drink in excessive amounts include those with mental health disorders. Individuals with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or anxiety disorder are at a greater risk for eventually abusing alcohol (“Alcohol Abuse and Dependence…”). Other