THE AFRICAN COMMUNALISM THEOLOGY RELIGION ESSAY The present-day emphasis on religious pluralism has made more pressing than ever the call and need for a genuine interreligious dialogue. However, exp
THE AFRICAN COMMUNALISM THEOLOGY RELIGION ESSAY The present-day emphasis on religious pluralism has made more pressing than ever the call and need for a genuine interreligious dialogue. However, exp
(Aka (Ihe (ka (onye 2 A. AFRICAN Africa. African Africans Asouzu Asouzu, Aylward Based Bock, Bola COMMUNALISM ESSAY Emefie Even For God God, H. He Here, His However, I Idowu, If Igbo Igbos Ikenga-Metuh In Indeed, It Just K. Laurenti Magesa Mbiti No One Opoku Owing P. RELIGION Religion Religion, Religion. Religions Religions. Scholars, Shorter Since Sindima THE THEOLOGY That The Theo-centric. This Thus, Traditional What When With Within [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [27] [28] [31] [32] [33] [36] [38] [39] a about above above. absolute according act actual actuality adage adages, add adherents adina). affirm affirmation aghala aka akwoo akwudebe ala). alienated all allowed alone alone, along also although, an ancestor ancestor. ancestors, and animal.” another another. anthropology any anything aputa are argue argues articulates as attain authentication aver avers based be because being being, being-together being. beliefs beside between beyond beyond. buries bury but by can cannot capacity capture carried case, caveat centre characteristic citation claim claiming claims comes common commonly communal communalism communalism, communalism. communalism: communalistic community community, community. complement complementarity, complementarity. complementary complemented complementing complements complete compulsion, consciousness, considered context continue contradiction contrary convert converts. corpse could creatures, day decides decision-making. deepest degrees, denotes dependence dependent depends determination develop di) differ different dimension. discrete dissimilarities distinct distinct, distinctness distinctness, distinctness. diversity. do does doesn’t due each earth earth.” embedded emphasize encounter encouraged encourages enrich especially every everybody example, exclusively exclusivism exclusivist. exist existence existence, experience expressed extension fact fact, factor fear first fish five folk for form four fragmented, framework free from full fully fully, general.” goes grasped great guarantee guaranteed guarantees hand hand, hands harmony has have he her her, here herself herself, here lf. highest him himself his hold how human human-centered, ibuanyindanda idea identical identity if ihe ikpa ikpa, immoral.” implication implications implies importance in inclusive inclusively indeed indeed, independent individual individual. individualistic, individual’s influence inseparable insufficiency integrated intended inter-dependence, interact interconnected interconnectedness interests interrelatedness interrelatedness, into is it its itself. itself…destroys joy just knowing knowledge knows kwoo kwuru lack lacking left legitimacy let lie life like link links links” link” live live,” lived lives living lose maintaining maintains many matter may meaning member missing mode most mu must mutual mutually nature nature, nature. necessarily necessarily.” needs no none not noted notion nri nri). nwanneya) n’elu obligation oblivious of offers on once one one’s only ontology onwe opinion opposite or other other, other. others others, others. other” out outside overtly owing own own. part part, people, person personal persons persons, persons…. philosophy plural pluralistic pluralistic. polarised possession possible practices practices, practices. prefers present principle problem proverbs purpose puts quantities quoting ramifications, rather rather, reach realities reality realization realized reason refer reference referring refers refusal relate relations relationship relationship. relationship” religion religions religions, religious requires respected; right rightly rights rules say say, says, says: scholars search seem seen sense. serve service serving share shared shared.” she should shows side side; sight similarities singular, six so solely some something spirit spite stakeholders stand stands, stop subject succeed. superior supplied supported supports, systems systems. take take. tales, talk than that the their theirs then, theologians, there therefore, these they thing think thinkable.” this though, three through tied to together together, transcendent tribes true true, truth turns turn” two type underpinning understand understanding uniformity, union units unity universal universe unless up uphold utilitarian utter various vary view views war, wash washes water, way way: we well well, when where whether which whichever while whole whose why will willingly with within without words words, world worldview worldview, would ya ya). you ‘communitarian’ “If “Life “Reluctance “This “We “a “all “becomes “grasped “has “live “missing “other “with
The present-day emphasis on religious pluralism has made more pressing than ever the call and need for a genuine interreligious dialogue. However, experience has shown that a genuine interreligious dialogue is always difficult if not impossible to come by not only in Nigeria but in other parts of the world as well. The reason for this is not farfetched. For me the most notable reason among others is the claim of superiority by some religions over others.
claim suffocates any efforts to any interreligious dialogue that is based on mutual and equal footing. Whether this claim will ever cease to be made is difficult to ascertain. Yet different religions in Nigeria as well as in other parts of the world need a platform with a value capable of generating a genuine interreligious dialogue. This paper argues that applying the value of African communalism into the Religious Ecumenical Bodies in Africa will help to achieve a genuine interreligious dialogue in this