Addiction In Adolescence Abuse is when a person is being treated cruel or in a violent manner and addiction can be caused by abuse. The relationship between abuse and addiction are pretty much similar

Addiction In Adolescence Abuse is when a person is being treated cruel or in a violent manner and addiction can be caused by abuse. The relationship between abuse and addiction are pretty much similar

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Addiction In Adolescence


Addiction can happen at any point in an adolescences life. When conception takes place in a woman a life is created, thus, life begins and abuse can start. In this essay, I will discuss how addiction in adolescence can cause many problems such as abuse and addiction in adolescence, how addiction can effect brain development as well as healthy spiritual development.

Abuse and Addiction

Abuse is when a person is being treated cruel or in a violent manner and addiction can be caused by abuse. The relationship between abuse and addiction are pretty much similar. One action causes another. There are many ways in which abuse can happen. Mostly abuse happens to adolescences when they are small children. As a child, they are defenseless, that is when they are taking advantage of the most, whether it is by a family member or one of their peers. Sexual abuse is one example of what a child has to go through or endure. According to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data