ABORTION SYNTHESISOne of the basic components of the community is children. Some of families think that having children bring problems to their life. Some of these families decide to work off childre-
ABORTION SYNTHESISOne of the basic components of the community is children. Some of families think that having children bring problems to their life. Some of these families decide to work off childre-
One of the basic components of the community is children. Some of families think that having children bring problems to their life. Some of these families decide to work off children by medical science before children come to the life. The way that they choosing is abortion. Abortion was made by women who are pregnant, and they don’t want to have children. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal of the fetus. Rates of abortion increase to be very high according to the Center for Bio-ethical Reform, the number of abortion in the world is 42 million per year and 115,000 per day. Although some people say that woman can have abortion, there are good reasons why a woman should not abort her fetus.
Opponents argue that women can’t afford to take care of children. However, women are able to take care of children through assistance. Most families in the world take assistance from other to take