ABORTION PRO LIFE VS PRO CHOICE Pro-life vs. pro-choice is a nasty debate that doesn’t seem to have many   answers. There are many questions and facts to back up both sides of the   argument.  

ABORTION PRO LIFE VS PRO CHOICE Pro-life vs. pro-choice is a nasty debate that doesn’t seem to have many   answers. There are many questions and facts to back up both sides of the   argument.  

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Pro-life vs. pro-choice is a nasty debate that doesn’t seem to have many


answers. There are many questions and facts to back up both sides of the




Some people say abortion is a women’s rights issue.


Other people


say it’s an issue of morality, and still others an issue of just being “right.”


The issue of abortion rights is an opinionated controversy in public life. Every


person has an opinion about abortion rights, and it seems that a moral objective


has become divided into two different arenas-social issues vs. religious issues,


with the Church and the politicians in the direct line of fire.


On one side of the abortion rights debate are the pro-life proponents. In the


United States, the position of most Christian churches is that the Church has