RESEARCH PREVALENCE OF INDUCED ABORTIONS Introduction: Maternal morbidity and mortality (MMR) due to complication of unsafe inducedd abortion constitute a major public health c 2512 WORDS

RESEARCH PREVALENCE OF INDUCED ABORTIONS Introduction: Maternal morbidity and mortality (MMR) due to complication of unsafe inducedd abortion constitute a major public health c 2512 WORDS

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Introduction: Maternal morbidity and mortality (MMR) due to complication of unsafe inducedd abortion constitute a major public health concern in many countries. It is assumed that most of the induced abortions are performed by unskilled personnel. Opting unsafe abortion may lead to severe morbidity and infection which results in affecting quality of life. The ultimate result of unsafe abortion is death, which is one of the contributing factors to increase MMR.

Low literacy levels, ineffective use of contraceptive and high unmet need are major contributing factors for unintended pregnancies. World Health Organization (2008) most recent report estimated that each year 80 million unintended pregnancies occurs, of these 33 million are caused by ineffective use of a contraceptive methods. The World Health Organization defines” unsafe abortion as a procedure for terminating an unintended pregnancy carried out either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards, or both”(p.1). Nearly all unsafe abortions (97%) are in developing countries. Grimes, (2006) estimated that 68 000 women die worldwide as a result of complications due to unsafe abortion. In addition, it is estimated that in 2008, in developing countries the rate of inducedd abortion has been increased from 78% to 86% in 1985. South-Central Asia accounts for 200 deaths per 100,000 abortions.

In our country the actual data related to induced abortion are scarce due to under reported cases